TradeSquare Podcasts - The Podcast for Australian B2B Market

Episode 36: Carol Vale | TSQ Podcast

Written by Tradesquare | Nov 2, 2021 12:27:46 AM

Carol is a Dungaree woman, who grew up in an Aboriginal mission in the northwest of New South Wales.



For many years, Carol worked for the Government before activating Murawin as a consultancy to support the government with key projects that then employed and enabled other Aboriginal people. By offering insightful and robust research for clients they were on a mission to close the gap in Aboriginal disadvantage in Australia.

With the desire to assist their clients to develop meaningful ways to connect, they also developed Tiddas in Business to support small to medium sized businesses with micro financing, mentoring, collegiality and what they needed to be spiritually strong.

With a strong responsibility to contribution, Carol reminds us that we all bring something to the table to learn, share and grow from one anothers' experiences no matter your roots. Carol is driven by mutual respect, reciprocity, asking for what you want and being courageous.


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Host: Catherine van der Meulen

Guest: Carol Vale - Founder,  Murawin and Tiddas in Business